Sustainability and social justice.
– It is undeniable that the climatic emergency we have been talking about for some time, in some places of the planet is already turning into a climatic collapse. Melting of the poles, loss of glaciers, rising sea levels, deforestation and loss of land and marine ecosystems […] and we could go on listing catastrophes. To this we must add the consequences for human beings of this depletion of resources and the conflicts that are generated as a result and that lead many people to migrate to other places with the consequent geopolitical and social disputes that these situations entail.
– Without a doubt, we humans have generated this scenario from an economic and development model based on exponential growth and consumption derived from an exploitation of resources that is between impossible and unsustainable.
– As a result of this situation and in order to try to shed light on the solutions needed to alleviate this planetary social implosion as much as possible, Agenda 2030 has emerged from the joint work and commitment of the member countries of the United Nations. A “plan of action for people, planet and prosperity, which also aims to strengthen universal peace and access to justice”. However, as we have seen recently at the Conference of the Parties in Madrid (COP25), it seems that we are moving backwards in terms of the commitments required by the planet and its society and that instruments such as agenda 2030 are only gestures and not real actions.
– This agenda has as its backbone 17 objectives whose fundamental purpose is to implement a true sustainable development agenda. The sustainable development objectives cover 169 goals whose roadmap will cover the next 15 years. Their true implementation and development will depend on the true commitment that international governance acquires and the social mobilization that it entails. We must demand clear and unequivocal actions from our politicians in favour of social justice and the safeguarding of the planet and its resources.
– The future of world society cannot be in the hands of people or countries that because of a misunderstood concept of sovereignty, or the selfishness of an economic system that benefits a few to the detriment of the majority, endanger the adoption of the necessary measures to overcome this limit situation to which we are being drawn, but especially the next generations that will have to deal with a planet and a society in constant conflict over resources on a depleted planet.
– These objectives are based on three pillars that mark the fields of action to achieve sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. This development must not only rely on governance for its implementation but also includes civil society and private initiative as two of the main axes. This is where Ekohunters, as a private and innovative initiative, tries to influence and achieve, through its proposals for a circular economy and ecodesign, the transformation of the model of manufacturing and consumption to achieve the much desired sustainability.
– The agenda highlights the needs that are necessary today so that social justice, the protection of the planet, its diversity and its resources can be guaranteed generation after generation
– As the United Nations General Assembly itself states:
“We are determined to end poverty and hunger throughout the world by 2030, to combat inequalities within and between countries, to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies, to protect human rights and promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and to ensure lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources,” the States noted in the resolution.
– Recent reality clearly shows that we cannot trust our leaders to have among their priorities the implementation of a national and international government agenda that goes through more than economic interests disconnected from true sustainable growth. The agenda also echoes this by placing the citizen and private initiative as one more actor in the necessary social transformation. From our small daily gestures, in our consumption, in our mobility, in our energy management, in our commitment to people, for equality, in short in our responsibility for a planet and a society more just, inclusive and sustainable our goal 2030. If we do not do it, if we do not lead the way, we do not expect other bodies whose interests are in other areas to do so.
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