


The recent COP26 (United Nations Climate Change Conference 2021) has shown us the absolute lack of commitment of the governments of the world’s major powers to address the problem of climate change. Governments and countries that, on the other hand, are the cause of the problem and still do not want to assume their responsibility for it or avoid the economic interests that set their agenda and are putting people and the survival of the planet at serious risk. The lack of unequivocal alliances, of action pacts, of serious and committed measures to counteract in a few years, a decade at most, global warming, climate change and its serious consequences for the planet, demonstrates the selfishness and senselessness of this model of unbridled neoliberal capitalism that is leading us irremediably to failure. A model that puts lifestyle before life itself. A model protected and endorsed by the political powers, which, by the way, we ourselves are in charge of voting for.


Much has to change, and I fear that until the climatic and planetary situation does not give us a serious warning, this change will not take place. Perhaps by then there will no longer be any capacity to react and we will be doomed to a planet and living conditions that are difficult to assume or bear for a large part of the world’s population. 

The reality, let us not deceive ourselves, is that in this issue, as in so many others, it does not go through governance, through politicians and their partisan interests evaded from the real needs of the citizen. It is us, each one of us, who have in our hands the need and the duty to find in our daily lives the commitment to sustainability. 


We have the tools to achieve these partnerships for the sustainable development objectives set out in SDG 17. Sustainable mobility, local consumption, energy transformation, reduction of emissions, protection of biodiversity, the model of cities…

“The Sustainable Development Goals can only be achieved with a strong commitment to global partnerships and cooperation.”

Undoubtedly, mobilization should not only focus on developed countries, which unfortunately are the main cause of the problem, but we must also provide the means and resources for developing countries to reach a sufficient level of growth based on the postulates of sustainability as a principle. This is something that, by the way, we in the first world have not done and still have not done. And what is worse, neither, in view of what we have seen, is that the indispensable alliances to be able to help these countries are not taking place to the necessary extent.

For a development agenda to be successfully delivered, inclusive partnerships (globally, regionally, nationally and locally) need to be built on principles and values, as well as on a shared vision and goals that focus on people and planet first.


Both civil society and the private sector must mobilize and demand from public authorities at all levels the necessary alliances to achieve full compliance with the principles and values underlying the 2030 sustainable development agenda.

We must demand from developed countries the goal of achieving financial instruments and sufficient financing so that developing countries can make sufficient structural progress to be able to face the economic, social and environmental challenges set by the 2030 agenda, as well as those derived from the underlying climate crisis, achieving the necessary resilience in the face of potential future changes.

The transfer of techniques and innovations that represent a step forward in the adoption of environmentally sound technologies for developing countries or access to international markets by promoting “universal multilateral trade” are some of the measures that we must put into play if we want a true scenario of equality and justice among all countries, a true global sustainable development.

On this path, it will undoubtedly be necessary for the coherence of policies to achieve sustainable development to place people and the planet among its priorities, while respecting the sovereignty of each and every country on an equal footing.

Undoubtedly, all these measures covered by SDG 17 are aimed at promoting a global partnership for a more just and equitable planet and society and the safeguarding of a healthy and resilient living environment.

“The purpose of the goals is to enhance North-South and South-South cooperation, supporting national plans to meet all the targets. Promoting international trade and helping developing countries to increase their exports is part of the challenge of achieving a universal, equitable, rules-based trading system that is fair, open and beneficial to all.”
