– Education is undoubtedly the gateway to a better life. An equal, inclusive and guaranteed education for any person throughout his or her life is the foundation on which to base any model that aspires to achieve the desired sustainable development. Education is the key to get out of poverty.
– Unfortunately, on numerous occasions we have witnessed political confrontations over the educational model that only aggravate its quality and convert it almost into a political indoctrination aimed solely at electioneering objectives.
– This objective of sustainable development number 4, as it is configured, tries to guarantee free educational coverage from infancy and pre-school to secondary education, trying to ensure also other objectives aimed at facilitating subsequent training in other educational levels that enable their inclusion in the labor field. The proposed model seeks to alleviate inequalities by promoting access to quality education without gender gaps or economic inequalities.
– The problem arises from the necessary adaptation/harmonization that different countries have to carry out of these educational principles, often being discriminated against when the investment policies of the countries do not have education policy as one of their priorities.
– Education, a quality education, should be the fundamental pillar for any country and any government regardless of its political persuasion. And it should always be oriented and aimed at:
- Enable and provide opportunities to escape the cycle of poverty.
- Reduce inequalities and achieve gender equality.
- Empowering people around the world to lead healthier and more sustainable lives
- Foster tolerance among people, and help create more peaceful societies.
– Education must train people, give them the ability to choose. It must provide critical, analytical capacity, because it is this critical thinking that gives them choice, deprives them of manipulation and deception. A society that has received an education, a quality education is a society prepared to respond to challenges and crises with the necessary talent and leadership.
– We must demand that governments make education a priority, with a firm commitment to provide free primary education for all, especially for vulnerable or marginalized groups. That education policy does not imply a class privilege, that it does not lead to gender or economic differentiation. Education policy must be absent from any attempt at politicization, from politics for ideological indoctrination. It is a matter of providing citizenship, people, with training, culture, a base from which to access a better life.
We cannot, as citizens, allow the rulers, the political class, the institutions and their leaders to use the educational program to discriminate, to favor class interests, to alienate because the more ignorant the more manipulable, in short, we must demand an educational policy aimed at forming values from principles of laicism and neutrality and with equality and equity to ensure that people become free citizens with the ability to decide their future and their values.
Education is a right of all women and men, as it provides us with “the critical skills and knowledge necessary to become empowered citizens, able to adapt to change and contribute to society.
United Nations.